Associate Professor (HDR) of Computer Science
IMT Atlantique / INUIT research group of Lab-STICC
Email: firstname.lastname [at] imt-atlantique.fr
Phone: +33 2 29 00 16 05
Office: D03-107A (IMT Atlantique)
Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 03, France
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I am an Associate Professor (HDR) of Computer Science at IMT Atlantique. I am part of the INUIT research group of Lab-STICC. My research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Telepresence and 3D Interaction. I received an Habilitation (French HDR) from Université Paris-Saclay in February 2024, entitled: “Supporting Collaboration in Large Interactive Spaces”.
Before that, I was an Associate Professor at Université Paris-Saclay (2013-2021) in the ex)situ research group. I was also a postdoctoral fellow at University of North Carolina and a visiting researcher at Nanyang Technological University (2012-2013) working with Pr. Henry Fuchs. I completed a PhD in Computer Science at INSA de Rennes (2008-2012) under the supervision of Pr. Bruno Arnaldi, Pr. Thierry Duval and Dr. Valérie Gouranton.
Short Bio
Current position
- From 2021: Associate Professor, IMT Atlantique, Lab-STICC (Brest, France)
Past position
- 2013-2021: Associate Professor, Université Paris-Saclay, LRI, Inria (Orsay, France)
- 2012-2013: Postdoctoral researcher, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, USA)
- 2012-2013: Visiting researcher, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
- 2011 (3 months): Visiting PhD student, University College of London (London, UK)
- 2024: Habilitation (French HDR) in Computer Science from Université Paris-Saclay (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Title: Supporting Collaboration in Large Interactive Spaces
Jury: A. Lécuyer, C. Neustaedter, A. Steed, L. Nigay, M. Beaudouin-Lafon, A. Bezerianos - 2012: PhD in Computer Science from INSA (Rennes, France)
Title: Design models for remote collaboration in distributed virtual environment: from architecture to metaphors
Supervisors: Bruno Arnaldi (thesis director), Thierry Duval, Valérie Gouranton - 2008: Master of Research degree in Image Processing and AI from INSA (Rennes, France)
- 2008: Engineering degree in Computer Science from INSA (Rennes, France)
- 2004: Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from UBS (Lorient, France)
- 2002: Baccalauréat in Sciences (high school diploma) from lycée St Charles (St Brieuc, France)
My research work is at the crossroads of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). I study how humans communicate with computers, but also how humans communicate among them through computers. Although part of my research focuses on collaboration through immersive technologies including virtual and augmented reality, my contributions are broader in the HCI domain including work on interaction design and video-mediated communication.
Ph.D. Students
- Thomaz Fèvre (with L. Nigay and A. Chaffangeon): collaboration, multi-views, AR, VR
- Clémence Cunin (with T. Duval): digital twin, editing, collaboration, AR, VR
- Giuseppina Pinky Diatmiko (with G. Lee): asynchronous collaboration, LLM, VR
- Aurélien Léchappé (with C. Dumas and M. Chollet): collaboration, evaluation, monitoring, VR
- Thomas Rinnert (with T. Duval, B. Thomas and J. Walsh) - Defended in 2024 - Now post-doc at LAMPA, France
- Arthur Fages (with T. Tsandilas) - Defended in 2023 - Now Associate Professor at Univ. of Toulouse 3, France
- Yiran Zhang (with P. Bourdot) - Defended in 2021 - Now UX research engineer at Human design Group, France
- Yujiro Okuya (with P. Bourdot) - Defended in 2019 - Now UX research engineer at SoftBank, Japan
- Ignacio Avellino (with M. Beaudouin-Lafon) - Defended in 2017 - Now CNRS researcher (CR) at ISIR, France
Scientific Activities
- Doctoral consortium chair: ISMAR 2022
- Demo chair: IHM 2021
- "Work in progress" chair: IHM 2018
- Program committees: ISMAR 2024, EuroXR (2017-2022), VRST 2019, IEEE VR 2016, GI 2016, 3DCVE @ IEEE VR (2015-2018), GRAPP (2014-2016)
- Journals: TVCG, CG&A, Frontiers, JOCCH, JVRB
A full list of my publications can be found on HAL or Google Scholar.Selected Publications

[IHM'23] A. Fages, C. Fleury, T. Tsandilas. Conception collaborative au travers de versions parallèles en Réalité Augmentée, at the conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Troyes, France, April 2023. [url]

[CSCW'22] A. Fages, C. Fleury, T. Tsandilas. Understanding Multi-View Collaboration between Augmented Reality and Remote Desktop Users, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 6, Issue CSCW2, Nov. 2022. [url] [project website]

[VR'22] Y. Zhang, H. Nguyen, N. Ladévèze, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot. Virtual Workspace Positioning Techniques during Teleportation for Co-located Collaboration in Virtual Reality using HMDs, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 2022. [url]

[VRST'20] Y. Zhang, N. Ladévèze, H. Nguyen, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot. Virtual Navigation considering User Workspace: Automatic and Manual Positioning before Teleportation, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Ottawa, Canada, November 2020. [url]

[CHI'20] Y. Okuya, O. Gladin, N. Ladévèze, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot. Investigating Collaborative Exploration of Design Alternatives on a Wall-Sized Display, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Honolulu, United States, April 2020. [url]

[INTERACT'19] K.-D. Le, I. Avellino, C. Fleury, M. Fjeld, A. Kunz. GazeLens: Guiding Attention to Improve Gaze Interpretation in Hub-Satellite Collaboration, in Proceedings of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2019. [url]

[Frontiers'18] Y. Okuya, N. Ladévèze, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot. ShapeGuide: Shape-Based 3D Interaction for Parameter Modification of Native CAD Data, Frontiers in Robotics and AI (section: Virtual Environments), Vol. 5, Art. 118, November 2018. [url]

[CHI'17] I. Avellino, C. Fleury, W. Mackay and M. Beaudouin-Lafon. CamRay: Camera Arrays Support Remote Collaboration on Wall-Sized Displays, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, United States, May 2017. [url]

[VRST'16] J.-B. Louvet, C. Fleury. Combining Bimanual Interaction and Teleportation for 3D Manipulation on Multi-Touch Wall-sized Displays, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Munich, Germany, November 2016. [url]

[CHI'15] I. Avellino, C. Fleury and M. Beaudouin-Lafon. Accuracy of deictic gestures to support telepresence on wall-sized displays, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, Korea, April 2015. [url]

[EG'14] C. Fleury, T. Popa, T.J. Cham and H. Fuchs. Merging Live and pre-Captured Data to support Full 3D Head Reconstruction for Telepresence, in Eurographics, Strasbourg, France, April 2014. [url]

[JMUI'14] T. Duval, T.T.H. Nguyen, C. Fleury, A. Chauffaut, G. Dumont and V. Gouranton. Improving Awareness for 3D Virtual Collaboration by Embedding the Features of Users' Physical Environments and by Augmenting Interaction Tools with Cognitive Feedback Cues, in Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Springer, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 187-197, June 2014. [url]

[VRST'12] C. Fleury, T. Duval, V. Gouranton and A. Steed. Evaluation of Remote Collaborative Manipulation for Scientific Data Analysis, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Toronto, Canada, December 2012. [url]

[ICAT'10] C. Fleury, A. Chauffaut, T. Duval, V. Gouranton and B. Arnaldi. A Generic Model for Embedding Users’ Physical Workspaces into Multi-Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments, in Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Adelaide, Australia, December 2010.

[Web3D'09] T. Duval and C. Fleury. An asymmetric 2D Pointer/3D Ray for 3D Interaction within Collaborative Virtual Environments, in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2009. [url]
Habilitation (French HDR)
C. Fleury. Supporting Collaboration in Large Interactive Spaces, Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Saclay, February 2024.
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PhD Thesis
C. Fleury. Modèles de conception pour la collaboration distante en environnements virtuels distribués : de l'architecture aux métaphores, PhD thesis, INSA de Rennes, June 2012. (French)
C. Fleury. CVI : le concept de Cabine Virtuelle d'Immersion - Naviguer et interagir en immersion dans les univers virtuels collaboratifs multi-échelles, Master thesis, INSA Rennes, June 2008. (French)
C. Fleury. Le kd-Tree : une méthode de subdivision spatiale,
Master of Research report, INSA de Rennes, December 2007. (French)
C. Fleury. La technique du Matching Pursuit,
Master of Research report, INSA de Rennes, November 2007. (French)
C. Fleury. Simulation sensorielle pour la réalité virtuelle : cas du toucher et de la proprioception,
Master of Research report, INSA de Rennes, January 2007. (French)
IMT Atlantique (2021 - now)
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (UE RVRA) - M.Sc. level (2021-now)
- Engineering of Interaction System (UE ISI) - M.Sc. level (2021-now)
- Collaborative Virtual Reality (UE RVC) - M.Sc. level (2021-2024)
- Introduction to Computer Science (UE Info) - B.Sc. level (2024-now)
- Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (UE BD-IHM)- B.Sc. level (2021-2024)
- Academic activities:
- Co-head of the major in Virtual Reality and Interactive Systems (TAF RVSI) - M.Sc. level (2024-now)
- Co-head of the major in Human-Computer Interaction (TAF IHM) - M.Sc. level (2021-2024)
Université de Bretagne Occidentale (2022 - now)
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (UE RVRA) - M.Sc. level (2022-now)
- Design and Ergonomics of Interactive Systems (UE MCSI) - M.Sc. level (2022-2024)
Polytech Paris-Saclay (2013 - 2020)
- Virtual Reality and Interaction - M.Sc. level (2013-2020)
- Human-Computer Interaction - B.Sc. level (2015-2020)
- Managing projects about Java / Graphics / Human-Computer Interaction - B.Sc. level (2013-2020)
- Introduction to Computer Science (C++) - B.Sc. level (2013-2017)
- Academic activities:
- Head of the 5th year of engineering school in Computer Science (2019-2021)
- Head of the 3rd year of engineering school in Computer Science - apprenticeship (2017-2019)
- Head of a technological platform used for teaching Virtual and Augmented Reality (2013-2021)
Université Paris-Saclay (2013 - 2020)
- Groupware and Collaborative Interaction - M.Sc. level (2013-2020)
- Programming of Interactive Systems - M.Sc. level (2013-2015)
- Academic activities:
- In charge of the internships for the Master in Human-Computer Interaction (2013 - 2018)
ENSSAT Lannion (2018 - 2020)
- Introduction to Virtual Reality - M.Sc. level (2018-2020)
INSA de Rennes (2008 - 2010)
- Introduction to Virtual Reality and 3D Modeling - B.Sc. level (2008-2010)
- Sequential Logic - B.Sc. level (2008-2011)
- Introduction to Computer Science (Java) - B.Sc. level (2006-2008)
- Introduction to Computer Science (Scheme) - B.Sc. level (2007-2008)
Université de Rennes 1 (2008 - 2010)
- Collaborative Virtual Environment - M.Sc. level (2008-2010)
C. Fleury. CVI : le concept de Cabine Virtuelle d'Immersion - Naviguer et interagir en immersion dans les univers virtuels collaboratifs multi-échelles, Master thesis, INSA Rennes, June 2008. (French)
C. Fleury. Le kd-Tree : une méthode de subdivision spatiale,
Master of Research report, INSA de Rennes, December 2007. (French)
C. Fleury. La technique du Matching Pursuit,
Master of Research report, INSA de Rennes, November 2007. (French)
C. Fleury. Simulation sensorielle pour la réalité virtuelle : cas du toucher et de la proprioception,
Master of Research report, INSA de Rennes, January 2007. (French)
- Co-head of the major in Virtual Reality and Interactive Systems (TAF RVSI) - M.Sc. level (2024-now)
- Co-head of the major in Human-Computer Interaction (TAF IHM) - M.Sc. level (2021-2024)
- Head of the 5th year of engineering school in Computer Science (2019-2021)
- Head of the 3rd year of engineering school in Computer Science - apprenticeship (2017-2019)
- Head of a technological platform used for teaching Virtual and Augmented Reality (2013-2021)
- In charge of the internships for the Master in Human-Computer Interaction (2013 - 2018)